Yes, it is 2014 but we still grapple with questions like “should
a woman propose to a man?” Is this a valid question in this day and age? Or, are you one of them who
does not understand what all the fuss is about?
Well the most popular reason why many people do not
believe in a woman proposing to a man is
because it is against tradition. The man should be your knight in shining
armour, get down on one knee and propose. He should be a gentleman and ask for
her hand in marriage with all the bells and whistles he can afford; the whole nine
yards of romance. I’ve got to be honest,
I love the romance of it all!
Romantic couple proposal for wedding by, cc-by-2.0, via Wikimedia commonsSource:
Also, there are some that say that a woman should never
propose to a man because later on in the relationship/marriage she will be
expecting her man to take charge of the family. Him proposing is a sign as to
whether or not he is willing to do that, or if he is capable of doing that. If
he has not asked, it probably means that he is not ready. You do not want to be
in a relationship with a man who is not ready for commitment and a family.
Others also believe that a woman should not propose because the
man might resent having the opportunity taken away from him. Remember, it is deeply
rooted in tradition for the man to propose so he might feel emasculated if you
do it. But, should he?
However, this is the 21st century and things do
change. Many people now believe that there is nothing wrong with a woman
proposing to her man. If you know that you have been together for a long time
and you think it is time to settle down and he is taking too long, why not ask
yourself? At least you will know where your relationship stands after you do.
If he says no, then maybe the both of you do not see the relationship in the
same way, maybe he is someone who never wants to be married. The rejection will
be hard but better to know now than to invest anymore precious time into
something that is going nowhere. Interestingly, if we think about it, that is exactly
what the man goes through too when he is about to propose.
Some people believe that women taking the reins in wedding proposals
would help to cut down on the number of cohabiting
relationships we see now. It would promote more committed relationships where
children are better supported in a stable
and loving family.
What about the ring? Are you willing to buy the ring? Hey,
let us face it, if we are going to make the proposal, then we must also buy the
ring! You think so?
Personally, I love the idea of a man sweeping a woman off her
feet with all the romance in the world and proposing. Yes, it is traditional
and I like it. However, I do believe that there is nothing stopping a woman
from proposing to her man. If you see a situation that needs to be dealt with,
deal with it. More power to you!
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