Think abuse is only physical? Think again. Often times when
we hear of domestic abuse we immediately picture a battered woman struggling
with the fear that her partner has instilled in her; but beware! The scars left
behind from domestic abuse are not always visible to the naked eye. Many
people, both men and women, sit in abusive relationships and do not even realize
that they are being abused. These persons might be experiencing emotional abuse
and the effects of this run deep psychologically. What is emotional abuse?
According to Wikipedia, emotional abuse, also called
psychological or mental abuse, is a type of abuse where a person subjects
another to behavior that may result in psychological trauma including anxiety,
chronic depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. In terms of intimate
relationships, there are spouses who will tailor their actions in a way so as
to manipulate the emotions of their partners.
To do this, they employ tactics such as fear, guilt, shame, intimidation
and isolation on their victims. Emotional abuse can be just as or sometimes
even more damaging than physical abuse. The scars are not easily healed and may
forever live with a victim. However, the first step to change is recognizing
the abuse.
Why do they do this?
Simple. To gain amd maintain control over you. Why teach you
to drive when he can take you wherever he wants you to go whenever he wants you
to go? Why let you help make any major decisions when it might inspire you to
gain independence? They have to he in control, have to dominate. Sometimes they
are insecure and use psychological abuse to try to make sure that their fear
does not come true. For instance, a woman who is fearful that her man might
leave her may try to tear at his self esteem by telling him that he is fat and ugly.
With his low self esteem, he just might stay in line and not seek after any
other female.
The strategies that these mental abusers use are said to be
similar to those which prison guards use on prisoners. The guards know that it
is difficult to overpower and control prisoners physically for any meaningful
amount of time. So, they attack them psychologically. It is in this same way that
emotional abuse victims feel like prisoners of war. They are reduced to having
only animal level concerns; just surviving. No space for independent thought or
Emotional abuse is not prejudiced to any one group. It
appears in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. It even breaks the
barriers of ethnicity and economic status. It also spans over all age
groups. Men are mostly found to be abusers but do not be
fooled, women do it too.
The signs of emotional abuse
Here are some of the signs you can look out for when trying
to analyze for emotional abuse.
If your partner:
Always threatens you or others close to you,
such as family, to get you to do what you are told
Constantly belittles you and criticizes your
looks, weight, dress
Yells and humiliates you
Discourages any independent activity such as
work, school or going out with friends
Always accuses you of being unfaithful if you
speak to someone of the opposite sex
Forces you to perform sexual activities which
you are uncomfortable with to prove your love or withholds sex
Uses the children too; undermines your authority
or threatens to leave with them if you do not do what you are told
Maintains complete control over the finances
Makes all major decisions like where to live or
where the children go to school
Constantly shifts blame to you
Manipulates and sets up even family members against you
If you:
Have a constant fear for your partner
Experience feelings of self loathing,
helplessness and desperation
Try to avoid certain topics so as not to anger
your spouse
Lack confidence; feel like you cannot make it
without your partner
Feel stressed out but not sure why
Feel like there is no way out
Wondering if you are the one going crazy
I can imagine that emotional abuse must be a terrible
experience to go through. Mental abuse plays with your psyche. It slowly chips
away at your self esteem and autonomy. All that is left is a shadow of
yourself. Someone who is incapable of thinking rationally. Someone who lacks
confidence and has no good sense of self worth. As a result, you suffer from
anxiety, depression, feelings of helplessness and loneliness. If you recognize these
signs in yourself or someone else, seek help. The quicker you get help, the
faster you will regain your life.
For further reading, you could check out this article I found How to deal with emotional abuse. It has a very comprehensive look at how to handle and cope with such abuse.
Photo credit: images courtesy of morguefile
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